Workshop Facilitator

The risks and benefits of likes

In 2019 I coordinated and facilitated a workshop called ‘The risks and benefits of likes’. It consisted of a 1 to 2-hours workshops for teenagers between 13 and 18 years old.

I did it on 15 different occasions, affecting to 400 participants approximately. Four different events were:

  • Maker Faire Barcelona, Sonar+D, Fablab Barcelona & SokoTech, Barcelona
  • Fundació Recerca, Science Week, Barcelona
  • Secondary education centres, Barcelona
  • Oracle4Girls (online workshop due to COVID-19)

The goal of this workshop was to promote digital literacy facilitating understanding about how social media works, AI mechanisms, machine learning algorithms, etc. to develop a critical mindset to detect the existing risks and reflect on strategies to overcome the risks.

This project was related to the project ‘Courage: A Social Media Companion Safeguarding and Educating Students’. More information about the project here.

Empatheia (Design Thinking)

In 2019 I facilitated a 1,5h workshop to foster Design Thinking skills and a maker mindset among girls participating in the event Oracle4Girls (Oracle). The workshop was called ‘Empatheia: aprendemos Design Thinking jugando a un videojuego’ (Empatheia: we learn Design Thinking playing a videogame). 1,5-hours workshop for girls between 8 and 11 years old.

This workshop was related to the project ‘Change Makers: Nurturing the design thinking Mindset of children through gaming’. More information about the project here.

Educational Technologies Educator

In 2019, I was an educational technologies educator in an Easter and Summer school, at Cocu Cultural Association in Girona. It was oriented to children aged between 3 and 12 years old.

The goal was to foster digital skills, computational thinking and technological knowledge in children. Some of the tools I used were: Block-based programming languages (e.g. Scratch), Lego WEDO Robotics, Makey Makey, Cospaces for virtual reality environments. Transversal projects were developed between different ages.

English Language Teacher

In 2018 I taught English to children and students between 2 and 18 years old at Happy Kids, Girona. The main goal was to facilitate English skills through games and playful activities.

During summer I also taught English in an intensive course for young students between 15 and 18 years old at McEmpreses, Girona. Here the goal was to facilitate English skills in a dynamic way, for what I used digital tools such as Google Drive, Kahoot or Quizlet.