When I wrote my last post, I found myself in an Airbnb room still getting used to my “new life” in Switzerland. This time, I am already at (what I can now call) home!

During these nearly two months, I (together with my partner) have been going through the process of looking for and finding an apartment, applying to it, being accepted, looking for a suitable transport company, moving from Spain, quarantining again while unpacking everything, doing more paperwork… And at the same time, continuing with my German course, having meetings with my new colleagues at PHZH and working on my doctorate proposal (which I am very much looking forward to sharing here!).

Today I would like to dig a bit deeper in my PhD position to better explain how it is being supported as well as to present the university and research group where it is found.

Digitalization movement

There are several initiatives at the level of all Switzerland (federal initiatives) as well as in the specific cantons (cantonal initiatives) that are bolstering a digitalization movement in Switzerland. The most important ones that support my research position are the following:

Digital Switzerland

In September 2020, the Federal Council of Communications adopted the Digital Switzerland strategy. This strategy is oriented to create a background for several stakeholders who must be oriented to promote a successful digital transformation in Switzerland.

One of the fields of work of this strategy is the Education, research and innovation area. Regarding the area of education, it is aimed to ensure that there are good conditions to support innovation in this field, allowing the development of the skills that students need to acquire for the digital age.


Since January 2017, the Swiss Specialist Agency for ICT and Education educa.ch has been working for the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in compulsory education. They have a full area dedicated to “Digitization and education“, in the context of which they promote the “Digitization strategy“. This strategy aims to provide educational professionals and pupils with the support they need for being prepared for the changes that education experiences due to digitalization.

(I really like this illustration where learning can be seen everywhere and in every imaginable form, being enhanced by technology. Everything connected!)

Illustration by Monika Rohner / educa.ch
«Learning in the ecosystem»: Hybrid networks penetrate the borderlines between analogue and digital learning resources inside and outside the school. Formal, non-formal and informal education is evolving into a new ecosystem.

Digitization initiative of the Zurich universities

Aligned with all these measures, in January 2020, the Cantonal Council of the Canton of Zurich approved the digitization initiative of the Zurich universities (DIZH). This initiative pretends to promote cooperation between the four universities from the canton of Zurich (University of Zurich (UZH)Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) , Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and Zurich University of Education (PHZH)) in the field of digitalization in an interdisciplinary way.

(I found it interesting that this initiative was voted by the Cantonal Council and it was accepted unanimously with 172 yes and 0 no votes! – see source)

A newly created research centre

Since 2018, the PH Zurich digital in the Zurich University of Education (Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich), has been fostering several initiatives to support the digital transformation in education. And after the approval of the DIZH, the Research centre for Education and Digital Transformation was created.

This research centre is focused on understanding how digital change is affecting education, teaching and learning and how technology can be introduced in the educational context. The three main areas that it will deal with are Education and Digital Society (about structural changes in the education system), Digital Learning and Teaching (about new learning environments and their effects on didactic settings), and Computing Skills and Education (about how IT skills are imparted in lessons). 

And here is where I find myself!

I am very excited and I feel very motivated about being part of this movement, and I hope that my research will be useful to all the educational community in Switzerland.

If you have any comments or questions, please, feel free to post them on this page or contact me.

I wish you a very nice day! 😊


Aaren Reggis Sela · 12/11/2020 at 07:51

If you want to use the photo it would also be good to check with the artist beforehand in case it is subject to copyright. Best wishes. Aaren Reggis Sela

    Judit Martínez Moreno · 12/11/2020 at 09:39

    Dear Aaren,

    Thank you very much for your comment.
    In this case, the illustration is published under the creative commons licence CC BY-NC 4.0, which means that people are free to share it and even adapt it.

    Best regards,


Marc · 27/01/2021 at 16:43

Gràcies per aquest post! Molt clar.


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